
14  2019-09-13 by percykaramello


You gurrrrl you fire now bby. You too wife.

What a hot take... You just don't get it because you're dumb, child.

Ex-Wife: Jonathan is going to come over at watch movies while you at are GenCon

Me: You are missing a great conference, baby. Oopsie doodles!

Better not show her any pictures of Jonathan

Pat is in his forties and types like a zoomer nigger.

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I wonder how many drinks it takes Nikki to be in the same room as Pat.

She has to stop at a bar for a few drinks before she meets up with him at Hooligans for the night.

What a revelation. If he lost a little weight and wore glasses he his Radar.

Confirmed: Author Patrick S Tomlinson's wife thinks he's ugly.

So he's two for two then.

Thanks for your contribution, saraphim33. What's a tracheostomy? When Patricks shits down your throat?