Fatrick’s mad

18  2019-09-13 by StealthyTomlinson


It's not just one subreddit making fun of me, it's the entire platform. All of social media harasses me.

>there will be fewer and fewer of you


The sub numbers sure don't seem to reflect that. He weeded out the casuals, that seems like a phyrric victory considering all the "tortuous interference" he claims he was the victim of.

there will be fewer and fewer of you Sounds like targeted harassment to me.

He makes me feel unsafe. I hope the authorities remove his guns under Red Flag laws.

Which he Still gas no recourse for

His Twitter is like his Instagram. Full of insane responses and rants against random people.

Yeah that will make him attractive to Hollywood

/u/patrickstomlinson struck a nerve did we child?

This fag is an anti-intellectual. He adds nothing to whatever debate he decides to waddle his gross weird self into. He calls people cunty names then nopes out like a pussy. Consider this my official “suicide demand” you fucking pedophile.

Smirking because I know you read all these threads plus every comment.