The number of people who read Pat's horrible insults to a college girl is rising

5  2019-09-12 by SuperToes845


This is the article where Patrick said terrible things to this young lady just starting out on her own.

LGBT friends fear getting murdered by Republicans

Why are liberals so willfully ignorant? Almost every time you hear about a tranny getting murdered it's in a black area of the country. Seems to me gays and trannys should fear getting killed by blacks rather than Republicans.

Denial, deceit and delusion, child.

Maybe 3 trannies have died from a bigot Republican while hundreds or thousands have been killed from drug deals gone bad, domestic disputes, and johns angry at falling for traps.

They are degenerates who keep the company of other degenerates and criminals. It's no wonder so many wind up dead.

Never mind the ones who kill themselves because of the inherent depression they feel from their mental illness which makes them suffer from gender dysmporphia.

If Patrick really cared about these suffering people, he'd encourage them to get the support and therapy they need to become whole and hopefully realize their healthy potential.

I feel like eventually we'll look back at genital mutilation and hormone therapy like we do shock therapy. You can't shock a homo straight anymore than you can turn a boy into a girl with a chainsaw and soylent.

This dumb cheddar wheel can't help but prove his enemies right at every fucking turn.