Yo Niki, heard you and Pat got the same bank account

27  2019-09-12 by PsychopathyRed

Dumb nigga, what you thinkin bout


Niki works all day and Pat sits at home gabbing with Liz and the girls about things they don't understand. Then she gets home and just wants to chill and have a drink and Pat bothers her about Star Wars and Marvel.

Win the Hugo Award and drive off in a Hyundai

She definitely needs vaseline. So does Pat although that's just to get through the door.

got an SJW's ribs hurtin ta-day!

Pat Tomlinson, drunk, always whinin’ about somethin', gettin' fucked at night

By r/StarshipRepo, bend over for us goddamn crackers, no Vaseline

🎶Pullin' wool with the scams.

Patrick likes to put butter on his ham.🎶

Get rid of that devil real simple
Put a bullet in his temple