File another one you greasy pig boy. Just proves that we're winning. You fucking live here.

26  2019-09-12 by fatty-patty-2


Well, didn't take him long to find this place.

He's here more than any of us. Liberal Joe that he is. Unemployed, fat, worthless sack of shit living off someone else's money. Can't help but to kick the hornets nest, get his ass handed to him 15 times over and then still claim to be the victor.

“You’re obsession is my weapon” - The Vanishing.

“Rotten pumpkin ass nigga” hahaha if i read someone saying that about me on the internet id bust out laughing no matter how true/untrue it was. Pats sense of humor is completely nonexistent, especially for a stand up comedian

He filed a dmca on a picture I posted of him looking extra fat & dumb. It was a still from one of his5 minute "2 minute rant" videos. I can't find it again but it was a good one.

Just think; he could be screwing his wife or playing board games with friends but instead he'll scroll, scroll, report, scroll.


One creepy looking faggot.

Even his nose is fat

He stinks and I don’t like him......