Racist author Patrick Tomlinson posted cartoon of Prophet Muhammed as terrorist

18  2019-09-11 by SensibleKeks

Years ago renowned bigot Patrick Tomlinson reposted the image from the magazine Charlie Hebdo where the prophet Muhammad was depicted as a terrorist. Not only that, images of Muhammad are forbidden in the Muslim religion.

I think we can all agree that the worst aspect of that whole Charlie Hebdo affair was the pain and suffering that cartoon caused the billion muslims around the world.

Now this bigot decided to dogpile of those poor muslims. Not only did he insult muslims by posting an image of Muhammad, here is an actual quote that he said about muslims, "seriously, fuck you guys". Shocking and disgusting racism on display.

Please note the following link has disturbing imagery. For emotional support please contact your life coach.



I hope all his left wing twitter 'friends' know he is a right wing Islamophobe.