Patrick S. Tomlinson hates people from North Carolina. Very racist.

13  2019-09-11 by FatSciFiAuthor1


He really is angry all the time. I guess his wife got tired of dodging his punches and bulked up instead to absorb them.

I live in North Carolina. I take this as a direct attack and a personal threat from him.

You're safe here.

Always a smart business move to insult an entire state of potential customers that could buy your books. Good job, fatty. He’s this angry about one state’s special election so you know he will take Trump winning in 2020 real well...

I can think of a little girl who would call her lumpy shit-stirring father a TRAITOR, based on real facts and not emo political tantrums.

Its really funny that he cant tell whos a troll and who isnt anymore.