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41  2019-09-11 by BannedFromHooligans


Patty is having a bad day


Sounds abusive and harassing.

Has there been a waking hour that Fatrick hasn't been tweeting for attention since he got it back? He tweets endlessly and never seems to take a break.

A Twitter-addicted drunk whose social media habits and lack of knowing when to quit constantly gets him into trouble. Hmm.

Fatrick is having wife trouble, taking it out on strangers. Nikki thinks he looks like an idiot on the internet.

You know, for being such a free wheeling loving liberal, he really seems like a major asshole.

On second thought, I guess that's his shtick he is desperate for people to believe. The masculine, give no shit defender of PoC. Faggot.

Like every single other leftist

Just noticed your username lol!

How does he not realize how much of a giant, gaping asshole he is?