He's the best... arouuund! Nothin's ever gonna keep hime down!

48  2019-09-10 by Jung_Skywalker


The biggest proof that Patso is lying about the police investigation shit, besides that it's an obviously retarded idea, is that he keeps trying to get these subs shut down. Anyone who had an ongoing investigation going would want nothing more than for evidence to be readily available.

I hope he does get the cops involved and then they beat him to death.

This is the most well thought post when it comes to that issue I've heard yet, well done.

He has the NSA backing the sub up.

Seriously. Did he stop for lunch on that marathon?

Did he stop for lunch on that marathon?

Two. And a quick child-rape.

"And a quick child-rape". I get my post workout protein nutrition mid workout, child. More cummies for my tummies.

When you're in worse shape than 90% of the people in Milwaukee, WI of all places, you really should just throw in the towel on life.

If Fatty had tripped and skinned his knee he'd have bled Velveeta cheese.

I can almost hear that music playing as Patass trundles along, wheezing and stinking of sharp cheddar. What a slob.

Oh, your breast are round!

Physical exertion makes you frown!!!

This pic is a fucking masterpiece. Whoever originally put it together I fucking salute man. True brotherman to the cause.