Fatass is such a pathetic nothing fag that he brags that this is "winning"

50  2019-09-10 by percykaramello


Could the 2 fat breasted boys be working together?

Not possible, they are "born enemies", child.

you're not tired because you're "winning," you're tired because you're a fat pedo.

Posted 32 minutes ago. 0 likes and 0 comments so far. Nice engagement, stupid.

He has a horde, child.

Hahaha I fucking wish

No, you're tired because you're literally spending all day every day obsessing about how to "win" against us.

-Spends 24 hours a day here.

-spent thousands of dollars of nikis hard earned money on lawyers fees

-we still ovah here calling him a fat faggot

But yeah he sure is winning.

Attacking a gay musician’s fan base is “winning” to this alt-right homophobe

LoganLynn got shut down! All the trolls will just go away now!

The only way fatso could win is if the turn around on sub removal was a couple hours. Have fun filing those DMCAs, Fatrick. By the time Pajeet reads them we will be on our way to the next sub.

Woopsie doodles

What a massive fucking faggot.

Its fucking gross how he twists the narrative to make himself look like a champion. Exactly like the whole cuck blog post he made about his ex-wife wanting him out of her and their child's life forever. Exactly like the "I'm being stalked and receiving death threats" bullshit. Its all lies to garner sympathy from fellow sycophantic bleeding hearts. Its really cute when they bullshit each other over their stalker war stories, trying to one-up each other in which one has a bigger and more ravenous base of alt right nazis coming to get them in the night.

At what point are one of his clueless drones for followers going to question why he keeps making the same post every month about shutting down a subreddit? Any outsider looking in on the situation would realize how futile all of it is.

One of his followers already tried to point it out to him, treading carefully not to upset the drunken oaf with a "Won't they just make another account?". His answer, "Its not a user. Its a whole subreddit"...

Brilliant mind on that one.

Not to worry child, it costs thousands of dollars of hundreds of man hours to set up a subreddit. oh wait no it doesnt. I must have been thinking of what it takes to get a twitter handle back.

Patrick and Joe are supposed to try to get the communities shut down, that's just what they do. They have no other reason to live aside from sitting on the internet and constantly reporting unaltered pictures of themselves looking fat and sweaty. It's their purpose in life.

Patrick literally spends 23 hours a day on this site, constantly seeing pictures of his ex-wife and her newer, better, manlier husband and all he can do is get one sub shut down every 2 weeks. His books are shit and he has to make one of his pages private every single night otherwise he'll get bombarded by troll accounts.

And now we're supposed to believe that he's won?

Nice use of your time, stupid. See you over at r/nikkisfathusband

He needs to be knocked down a few pegs, if you ask me.

He spent weeks trying to get the old sub shut down. Meanwhile, the entire sub migrated over here in literally minutes. Nice "winning", child.

Can you imagine being such a fat fucking baby that you steal someone's catchphrase just so you can say "UNLIKE THE PERSON WHO CAME UP WITH THIS, I AM DOING IT NOW!" What a total fucking loser.

"Unlike Trump supporters."

Right, because Hillary is in the White House right now? Delusional fat fuck.

So much winning, spending time filing false dmcas when you could be spending it with your new wife and daughter if you didn't throw her away like a used cum rag.

For a guy that claims he destroyed us, he keeps talking about us on a daily basis. Plus his followers have no idea what this means since dummy presented it without context. He just sucks at everything.