Patso claims his dad taught him when to fight, yet he chose not to fight for his very own child, child. Did PST fail his one true test of manliness or do windmill cowboys just make shitty fathers?

1  2019-09-16 by PringlesCanJonathan

His old man seems like kind of a clown if you ask me.


His father being a rod

How can you even look your self in the mirror know you abandoned your own child. Pat must hate home self more then we do

His parents kept and raised Patrick's kitten-killing, badly groomed, helmet wearing re-re of a brother, but Patso couldn't be fucked to raise his own flesh and blood.

Guess that it might've cut into his time drinking away his wife's money at Hooligans.

The only thing Patso would fight you over is the list slice of pizza