44  2019-06-02 by thirtymiligrams


This video series is my new favorite thing.

I got a really good one coming lmao. Someone suggested it on one of threads

Fat virgin voltron. Dude ur my new hero. But not a war hero. the best thing ever.

I have to admit that if you were making these videos directed towards me, I'd find this extremely unsettling.

Relax dude, I'm not even 6"1. I'm 6 even. I ain't shit

I'm sorry

I've come to grips with it


This is fucking great. Retarded voltron had me howling. I bet if some retarded fat kid on our sub posted a video joe would be all over a conflict invite. Instead he opts for the "ill pass, we both might get hurt" route.

No shit potato tits. Its a fight. That's what happens. He sure likes to pick and choose his battles carefully. Its almost like hes an out of shape water head who puts up a tough guy front.

He should have made himself look nerdy and fat. Then show up the 6 foot even aryan god that he is and beat joe up

I’m willing to bet u/thirtymilligrams wouldn’t get hurt at all.

A child wouldn't be at all hurt by Joe

I'm not a pussy or anything and can handle myself but if I was given the choice of fighting you or not fighting you, I would go with not fighting you. No offence but you seem like a fellow who doesn't have a lot to lose. I very much hope Jomosexual takes you up on your offer, though we all know that won't happen because he's a faggot cunt who always backs off when someone actually responds to his empty threats.

Joe Cumia is a keyboard warrior. He will never back up any of his threats.

Its like even of he beats someone up what does that prove? That he isnt a retarded bovine cow

He's not beating anyone up. If you think you could lose to Joe Cumia in a fight kys.

Im a lover not a fighter but joe cumia? Thats a cow i wont milk.

Talking tough from his brothers basement.

Heeyy its mee joee maaahtareesee welcome to the paaaawddcast

Good stuff!

Joe's delusional response is classic. Joe knows this guy would rip his head off but he won't admit it so he tries to compromise by claiming they'd beat each other bloody then laugh about it. No, Joe. That guy would knock you the fuck out after your old fat stupid ass got tired, which would happen about 30 seconds in to the fight.

Whats funny but we will never see it is Joe telling his friends about him. The same friends he told all the tough talk to. On what he would do if he had the chance. Now he changes his tone and tries to act like he is taking the higher ground. Joe it was your open offer stupid. You wanted so bad to meet someone from here. Turns out he is fucking nuts.

This nigga is the sub's IRL champion. Our 'Dark Knight' if you will.

Something that never got mentioned about the people's court thing - those shows pay for everything. They pay for you to come out, they pay to put you up, and they pay the settlement if you lose. Joe acts like he won something huge when really, him showing up on a fucking TV show just let the venue off the hook completely.