/r/opieandanthonyxyz is like a pizza. /r/scorch is like a hamburger.

1  2019-05-29 by 1073WAAF

Know what I mean?


Both are good

I joined both. It's probably better this way, we can annoy Fattits and JoeMo twice as bad now.

I see what you're getting at. The other sub is like a pizza. What else is a pizza? Anthony's face. And this sub is like a hamburger, which is made of cow. Who else is a cow? Joe.

I guess what I'm saying is that my dad didn't spend a lot of time with me when I was young.

Same here man. Wanna be brothers?


Bread vs Beef is pretty obvious... You've convinced me. Burgers. Fuck those bread niggers.

Pizza and burgers are both PFG