Don't leave him hanging folks

79  2019-05-24 by diddlybooba


If only someone would find him hanging.

Is that the ottoman he tripped over when he was chasing Vinnie’s daughter around, after he bit her? Sick fuck.

Don’t pull a Dick Van Dyke!

Ha Ha Ha Holy shit, a joke from the 50’s!

nice camo sweatpants, faggot.

Who walks around in socks in the house? Filthy fucking animal

Opie wears socks in the house as well to clean up any piss droplets he comes across.

I have never heard of the concept of NOT walking around in socks in your own home.

Filthy fucking animal!

Who doesnt

I don't, you disgusting pig. Clean up your act

Anyone feel like posting a "Tribute" to Nana?

Hell, even Patrick Tomlinson might appreciate photos printed out and ejaculated on. Or might be so disgusted he leaves us alone

Nana wants all the cum out or Sue's balls

Someone should check those drains.

Go to r/opienanthonyXYZ and leave scorch for the fall back

I'm surprised he didn't shoehorn in that shitty column he loves so much