Good work, 12 moderators.

106  2019-05-24 by MrStealYourVape

Useless fucking losers.


We should probably get at least twenty four moderators this time.

Just make sure Joe is at least two of them this time

I will never be a moderator because I’m too competent

I will never be a moderator because I have one chin and a fat hog.


Wtf happened lol

Internet forum moderators are the lowest life form on the planet

Thank god they don't breed

one of them was deep legal shit. that really says it all.

the only thing i did as mod was sticky a quote from mein kampf

Good job. I heard that is what got the sub shut down.

Can we get 24 who didn't went to Keith-the-Cop University?

the tenure of u/SpaceEdge was our Golden Age. Sure, like all Great Men, he eventually went mad with power. But he was better than the Retarded Parliament that replaced him. We had 5 years of peace and prosperity under that fat junkie loser.