Joe "dont talk about my family" cumia

8  2019-09-13 by Iguckfoats


This is why it’s impossible to feel bad for him. He does this all to himself.


"I'm Anthony cumia's brother, does anyone have anything to say to me?!"

"You stink and we don't like you"


Joe is a piece of garbage

Human garbage. Sniff

dirty dago niggers

Do you think Daniel Scott hangs out with convicted child rapists?

Joseph Cumia admitted to doing just that. Fact.

I have come fairly close to feeling bad for Joe Cum Cum on a few occasions, but then he always busts out some shit like this


A fair analysis

I’m nothing if not fair

He deserves no understanding. He’s a rat from a family of rats who would fuck other rats regardless of age just set traps and let the expose themselves

teeth are yellow

/u/DOXXER100, you’ve got bitch tits from using Test without exercise or aromatase inhibitors (look it up stupid)

I hardly see where you have room to talk

He and his brother are also balder than Lex Luthor.

at least Lex was never credibly accused of pedophila

Look at his long form ramblings. It's always funny to see old uneducated oblivious people pontificating on the internet about how other people are dumb.

...and Joe's teeth looks like he brushes them with Nutella.

He deserves everything that happens to him and worse.

Joe has been stepping on rakes his entire life.

He went to that guy’s page to look at his children. Creepy!

For real. That's so weird. Who even has the thought pattern to go and criticise someone's children's attractiveness?

Well, pedophiles obviously. At least his kid is safe from Groomia

A sixty year old man whose large saggy boy-bosoms copiously spill from the huge holes he mindlessly cuts in all his shirts is in no position to mock anyone's appearance. I mean I'm half a retard and even I have a few decent adult shirts that don't have fake chain suspenders printed on them, unlike Uncle Udders and his closet full of titty sweat-soaked old rags.

"I'm Anthony cumia's brother, does anyone have anything to say to me?!"

"You stink and we don't like you"


have a heart

Joe reminds me of Mike Diesel from Cum Town.


Do you think Daniel Scott's ever had to explain to his family and internet trolls that he's hung out with a convicted pedophile "NO MORE THAN THREE TIMES!" Then subsequently had to get his story "corroborated" by a person who is literally mentally disabled?

$24 worth of carbamide gel fixes Daniel's problem... Joe's problem is a little more tricky.

Yo mamma so fat...