I feel like a dirty refugee.

1  2019-09-12 by ZombieRoeCumia


Rape me

We're like the Jews. We are small in number but have been kicked out of countless countries because we cause too much trouble. Perhaps one day we will find our Zion (ie kick out the people already living there and claim it as our own).

Gross. I'd rather be a stupid goy even if it means I have to apologize for being white-ish.

Didn't we already do that to the Scortch sub?

Someone left the door unlocked and we scurried inside.

Well have been kicked out of 110 subreddits in no time at this pace. We may be worse than the Danny Ross’s of the world.

We will wander the desert until our Messiah leads us home.

God bless Saint Mel


Or filthy pikie

You probably are, get a wash and go home