The Final Thing SpaceEdge Stole

1  2019-10-01 by Fitzsimmons5

Well well, the junkie thief who steals vape pens when he’s run out of pills is the type of guy to steal a sub away from its user base when he can’t handle the pressure of steering the ship.

And now, it’s all gone. People would’ve paid good money just to grab the posts from there. Your empire of dirt has collapsed.

Junkie idiot


No remember he said we weren't even fans of the radio show anymore. Hope they are all out of narcan nice time he ODs

All he keeps talking about it money and value. He keeps comparing the sub to other forums that people paid money to take over. He honestly thought someone would pay big money for an opieandanthony subreddit. What a delusional asshole

A bit or a lie?

People would’ve paid good money

Nothing is lost, but nobody really gives a shit. Only the sub itself here on reddit would have been worth something to people.

I'm very glad that SpaceEdge lost his hostage though. Fat fucking piece of garbage.

Everyone make sure to check in with him. Hes posting over at oandaexclusive. /u/SpaceEdge fucking theiving junky. The worst kind of human besides pedophile. And im sure you’re one of those as well.

Oh, don't worry. He'll keep stealing things.

SpaceEdge, no swiping! SpaceEdge, no swiping!!