Give me money!! 😭🌈🦄🎁

1  2019-09-30 by Iguckfoats


I like how multiple tryhards here keep INSISTING that this cosplay retard is a REAL GIRL HONEST because they heard it on mushmouth's podcast or some shit.

Fuck off and die

You mean she isn't one of SayiansZ alts?

I thought it was obvious.

I don’t think it is him. Creating and alternate persona and sticking to the bit requires a certain level of intelligence. I’m not sure if you’ve read “the bell curve” but it explains why people like joe and sayiansz aren’t capable of this level of thought.

Thats why they think that but i also think he has a penis

So I've seen that, but one random bitch with an instagram filter over her and a bunch of reposted videos isn't convincing me.

nope, she’s real. I was just as blown away as you were. Always thought she was a kyle alt


Braunheiser told me hes talked to her (and maybe seen her on discord or some shit). If i can believe anyone from this sub its him. He would never do us wrong.

yep, you guys can confirm it for yourselves on discord. I’d recommend not doing that though, it’s insufferable

I also have this with no way of confirming yet

Wont that sweet angel terry clifford give me a sign?

Okay so she's a retarded chick then? Because she's like a caricature. I don't want to doubt Braunheiser he's such a good egg.

Yea. I suspect shes very heavy these days as well.

Very heavy.

I donated 60k

I hope "she" set the goal at 5K. We really should share it around and support the cause

5k? She banned on Twitter or what?

any perks?

Endless emojis and a gay as fuck subreddit

Show butthole or you get zero.

Bonus if it’s hairy.
