Reminder: joe is so stupid he posted his childs school commute schedule to the sub...twice

1  2019-09-30 by Iguckfoats

opienanthony BrotherJoesCunt -3 points 5 months ago I have Layla from Sun-Wed. She goes to a school 30mi from Port Jeff. I drive her to/from on Mon-Wed all school year long. 30mi there, 30mi back, then drive to pick her up, 30mi there and then 30mi back again. 120mi/Day. Hence the Faggot Fiat, great gas mileage.

Fact: I’m a very involved and present Father, and my girl knows it and loves me tremendously because of it. That’s all I’ll ever need. I’m glad the sub is so concerned about Layla’s well being, but no worries...Everything is awesome. Got me schedule straight?

opienanthony BrotherJoesCunt -1 points 5 months ago Yeah right!! I hear you. I was more inclined to have her here all the time, but the BM wouldn’t have it. If it were up to me. But...alas, not a penny wasted on lawyers, not a second wasted in family court. How many of you dummies can make that claim? Don’t honest... more of you fucked up families out there now than ever before.

A few corrections for you, since you’re so concerned... and confused:

Every Sunday morning pickup at 10am. BM has her enrolled in Art, Sewing, Guitar lessons, Girl Scouts, Civic Responsibility, Orchestra, Wed- Saturday so Sat was taken off the bargaining table long ago..

Travel time comes to about 90min/day in a car with Layla... and she doesn’t mind. Actually neither do I. We have more meaningful and bond strengthening conversations in those 90 minutes than most of you young(er) self-absorbed “egg fertilizers” do with your offspring in an entire month. LI expressway.... yeah... Thank God for the HOV lane. It doesn’t help me for the 60mi portion of my 120mi/day commitment to being a great Dad despite dealing with all of the adversity that goes along with a bitter ex.

You seem to forget that I’m a “shitty tribute band musician”, remember now? That’s right dummy... My work week is Thursday-Sat nights stupid. My days of getting pie eyed ended while you were still stinking up your crib.

Got it all straight now? I know it meant a lot to you. Cheers!


It doesn’t matter what he says now. Eventually she’s going to grow up and resent him. And it’s going to go beyond that usual teenage shit because this fat fuck has embarrassed himself so hard that a simple google search is going to ruin her life.

Under this same alt "brotherjoescunt" he makes posts calling people idiots making your same point. He says "nobody ever googles anybody unless youre working in law enforcement or something"

We all know thats very wrong and could have serious career consequence for his daughter, even at a $14 an hour warehouse job.

For her sake she should be taking her mothers last name and pretending her dad isnt joe.

The best thing about his stupidity is that it gives a higher probability that things go wrong in his life because he’s too stupid to think of consequences. When Layla comes home crying everyday after school because the kids googled her, Joe just might wonder if fighting the redditards was worth it. Especially considering teen suicides are statistically high.

I like that mom enrolled her in guitar lessons. Doesn't have to settle for an unqualified teacher like that underprivileged black girl.

Oh shit, I didn’t even catch that. There’s such little self awareness on Joe. I’d love to see how he defends that.

Joe Cumia: Not guitar teacher material. (Or husband material either).

He posted his drivers license with the number visable lmao

That’s foolish. A dob and dl number is probably enough to set up internet or a cell in his name and further ruin his credit. That’d be poor form.

Whats that yellow shit on the table? Is that mustard?

Good thing he's not known for being a fat liar or anything eh fellas?

Man, I miss the days when single parenting and coparenting were looked down upon. All this fucking divorced parents and separated parents stuff just sounds messy. I think it's why immigrants and their children do well in America, they actually value a family dynamic and are traditional. Poor Layla.

One of you should molest his kid then say Joe took money for it. Come on I know at least one of you shit bags likes kids do it for the team. Its not like your gonna be the first there and she already has no chance. Hi Joe. I'm aware you're seeing this. Am I joking? Who knows.