Jonathan meets Patrick

20  2019-09-29 by PatricksWaterheadBro


One of my favorite parts about the whole Jonathan/FatPat thing is that time one of us was fucking with Patrick and said something along the lines of "Your stupid books don't make any money so Adrienne left you for Jonathan."

Patrick's brilliant retort was that he in fact made more money than Jonathan, and that Jonathan was poor. Dumbass didn't realize just how much he owned himself by admitting that he was such an annoying, awful husband that his wife left him for a man with no money.

It would appear that Big John's pringles-can dick was worth the drop in income.

If your beautiful pregnant wife leaves you for a poor guy, you should probably just kill yourself

Of course, Patrick is poor himself despite his lies. Lies he still tells himself to this day...

And he's fat

Steiner math is always right