“ Said a few things that .. ehhhhfended some people “

83  2019-09-27 by IronCock_


I’d be less offended if my date said she could understand why white girls dated him than Anthony.

He does these impersonations. You’d think it was the real Columbo!

Sammy Davis Jr lost his eye in a car accident on the way to Palm Springs. The 1956 Cadillac model he was driving, for NO reason anyone could possibly fathom, had a giant spike coming out the middle of the steering wheel. His face hit and it went right through his eye.

When he got out of the car, his eyeball was literally dangling from the socket. He mushed it back into his head, and in his state of shock, thought "it would be fine." (It wasn't)

He belonged to the Church of Satan ........ Quite a statement . Many myth's of trading your eye for knowledge .I Educate this sub like students in college .

Food 4 fought people food 4 fought .

He’s still hilarious

To bad those same people were paying you millions of dollars

Anthony is so obscure that we're literally the only people that know who he is. HEY FAGGOT (Anthony) we know you or your faggot dicksuckers come here we got rid of your twitter not any PC police