No Child

100  2019-09-27 by CopyrightWillTate


Patso is such a faggot.

I think this meme should be tweeted at him regularly

I’m still not blocked, I’m all in with the Patso

This bit has legs

I like this bit because these will make him seethe uncontrollably on his barstool. It’s vurry good.

You don't think he's taking a night run on the treadmill?


No, but he is making a night run to the bread grill

Ol' white-power Fatrick

Please someone dm him this, the block will be worth knowing he saw it

I will later lmao

I'm stealing that and showing it to all my comedian friends. None of them believe me when I tell them I never found Pat funny.

That fucking face! I love it!

Your childlessness exceeds my childlessness, child.

Remember when this dude got cucked then left his daughter with the man who cucked him?

Classic Fatrick.