An actual tough guy threatening to actually murder someone

31  2019-09-26 by PringlesCanJonathan


He's incapable of debating anything. It's all just "nuh uh, child" "yuh huh, child" "no you don't, child" "yes I do, child" "you're stupid, child"

Fucking idiot never backs anything he says up, people are just supposed to take his word even though he acts like a... well, a child. A stupid one.

He can't debate without just saying "nuh-uh, child," he can't run without cheating and cutting corners, he can't ride a motorcycle without riding a girl's bike, he can't workout without taking selfies, he can't write without plagiarising, he can't raise his daughter without an overturned verdict... Is there anything this dope CAN do?

He's doing a top job of pissing me the fuck off.

He is very, very sure Nick Sandmann is a racist.

He didn't go to a real college

he's just so above it all! oh and by the way, he's always correct child!


He gets that a lot.

Can a lack of facts and charisma kill someone you're debating? Would it be murder?

This tubby bitch spends his free time playing with star wars dolls. Does he really think he could hurt anyone? u/patrickstomlinson, why do you try so hard to pretend to be tough?

I’ve had the good fortune of sparring with and even getting my ass kicked by some real tough guys, some of them actually known in the States and Hong Kong for how tough they are. Do you know how many times these men called themselves tough guys? Do you know how many times they threatened to kill or beat up someone else over something that wasn’t immediately life-threatening?

Yeah - zero. Between them.

I come from a military family, and I’ve had the pleasure of making friends with quite a few veterans over the years while working on a number of different projects. Some of these men carried their friends out of fire fights while wounded themselves. Guess how many times any of them referred to how tough they were?

Again - zero between them.

I’m sure I’m not the only one, so let me ask here and now: do any of you know an actual tough guy who talks shit like this? Now let me ask you: how many of you know someone who is cowardly, violent trash or someone who hits their wife or is a nasty drunk that talks about how tough they are? Bragging about how tough you are is usually the talk of wife beaters and kid beaters. It’s commonly known to anyone who’s actually met real men who know how to fight and handle them selves to protect them selves and protect their families. Because that’s what real men do. They protect their family. They don’t abandon their children and wife because shit got tough. Don’t ever ever ever ever need to tell anyone how tough they are.

The only tough guys I've ever heard tell others they were tough was in middle school. They certainly weren't 40 year olds that played with dolls.

You obviously didn't see his tweet about the guy who pulled the knife on him.

Apparently anyone could defeat this guy by handing him some toenail clippings and asking him to throw them in the trash, so I don't know why he talks so much shit.

He'd be laid out for as long as it took for someone to find him lying there sobbing and if he had the slightest urge to take a shit he wouldn't even try to hold it, he'd just do it, right there on the floor.

This is him admitting straight up that he can't debate any one with out resorting to violence. No wonder his 1st wife left him.

I wonder if he tried to show her how tough he was. Or his little girl. I’m not accusing him of anything, it’s just a question. But I know some really really shitty people who didn’t lose the right to see their children.

I like how he admits that he'd have zero chance of escaping. Bottom 9 percenters arent outrunning anything, child.

So.. he's admitting he can't win an argument, he can only 'win' by killing his opponent. Typical mouth-breathing troglodyte.

He's a turd muppet, child

Can you actually imagine what a real life debate would be like with him? Without the ability to block and ignore, I don't think he'd fare too well with "You're wrong, child" and "Those are the facts, child" in a point/counter-point styled debate.



This sounds kinda fun. I might go to hooligans and try this lol.

& Fatrick claims he causes 'alt right trolls' to literally lose bowel control (like a fat guy who's put his back out while trimming his nails).

I can't wait for this 'actual tough guy' to get himself into prison, I just hope he doesn't hurt the innocent too-badly, 'cus there's no-way he'll pick a tough target when he inevitably flips.

One single slap would straighten him the fuck out. Just one slap.

He’d join the white supremacists for protection during his perp walk.

Toss__Pot you are an intransigently bald paint drinker!

Hair Trigger Tomlinson, apparently when he loses his temper it's like watching Mike Tyson in his prime

"I get this a lot" -- more lies, even the NASA Unexplained crew didn't want to show your pumpkin face on TV

I thought he was an anonymous whistleblower, it was so dark.

Is he threatening to strangle someone he considers a Nazi on television during a debate? And thinks every conservative is a Nazi? I bet the CIA and FBI would like to hear about this.

Would loveeee to see pat in a nationwide broadcast debate with a reasonable conservative politician. I believe the entire country could come together and hate him

What would his game plan be, sitting on them?

So he admits he can’t actually debate anyone without getting frustrated and resorting to violence. Political Firebrand he is not, child.

Yeah ok nigga I wish he would hit me so I could grab him by the throat headbutt him then go right into an elbow.

Seriously I wish he would hit me. I’m like a quarter of a tough guy.

I don't think Twitter would appreciate this violent rhetoric being spouted on their platform.

Why is he still allowed on Twitter?

Sounds like a real open-minded sort. The kinda guy that would hear you out and then intelligently dispute your points until the two of you arrived at an agreement.

Oh wait, no. He's right, you're a Nazi, and if you try to debate him he'll murder you in cold blood.

Fat fucking cowardly-ass faggot.

cowardly ass-faggot

Bleep-bloop, I'm a bot. This comment was inspired by xkcd#37