Posted to a Diet Sub About a New Diet I Started...

136  2019-09-26 by steelck


Reddit is full of faggots. "enough with the aids crap" Die in a fire

It’s great how that assert that it is bigoted to make AIDS jokes without even implying homosexuality.

We know its blacks and gays that get it

WE know, but if we were to say that in any of the mainstream subs, people would call you a science denier or some fag shit. Open your eyes and stop promoting a Hoax .

What do you mean ? Watch the Documentary , if by the end you think it's BS i'll give you permission to punch me in the face and this is coming from a natural born model.

I'm not trying to spoil the AIDS(GRIDS) banter but I can't stand by and allow this Sub to blue pill themselves regarding this topic , I have too much integrity to allow that to happen.

I thought I was agreeing with you... My point was the money spent on it was wasted.

My bad , thought you were calling me a lying Cunt . We're both right .

Blacks are gays in many cases. A creepy aunt or uncle molests them and they go "down low" or become crossdressers.

And Joey Cums represents both demographics.

And white women who fuck blacks

The offended guy extremely heavily implied this, fucking stupid actual bigot. But I say faggot and nigger so I'm the actual bigots.

Everyone on this planet is stupid and should die in a fire, myself included.

I mean it's totally uncalled for in this situation. You don't show up at avfuneral or job interview telling AIDS jokes, because you know it's not the time or place for it. Why would a diet support group be any different?

Yet Joe puts that out on his public account under his real name. I'm glad they called him out on his edgelord the bullshit and lack of manners.

"Teach this cow a little manners!"

You know what's annoying about all this is that they'll turn around and applaud Dave Chapelle and Bill Burr for "having the courage to confront PC culture" like they're tell it like it is types of people. In reality, they decide that certain people get passes and others don't and those who don't are not aware of it until they've already been convicted in the court of public opinion.

Joe C is an unfunny moron who made a shitty joke, which is why he should have never made it in the first place. Not because it's hate filled or offensive.

Did he ever follow up with this post? He posted it a while ago so he must have lost a ton of weight by now. That’s one thing about Joe, if he says he’s going to do something he does it. No matter how hard it is.

He's probably 185 lbs and cut as fuck. But he doesn't want to gloat.

He's probably 83.9 kilograms and cut as fuck. But he doesn't want to gloat.

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No, actually he's very braggadocios

Joe's low testosterone level would likely make that impossible. The only thing you can even remotely hope to achieve is a charm faggots call " skinny fat"

While that is demonstrably true, in this case, he made it clear that this is something anyone can do.

Joking about aids is bigotry now?

Reddit users confirming it's a fag disease

Yeah, the fuck?! Those PrEP commercials told me AIDs doesn’t discriminate.

Yea it affects blacks, faggots, and trannies alike!

Junkies too!

Basically AIDS is a gift from God.

Oh shit dude. I laughed so hard seeing that, remembering how Jim tried to play it off like it was just something a normal cool tough guy does to be proactive and woke. But would still vehemently deny he was flying halfway around the world to get some viking dick.

For real though, I'm sick of seeing degeneracy associated with Truvada as I watch Adult Swim.

Buncha' queers.

I called someone a homo once in a sub, and they responded with "WHATS WRONG WITH BEING GAY!?" and i said something like "calm down retard" and then a bunc of people in the comment section tried to tell me i was making fun of mentally challenged people lmao. Like i get that some people get worked up over gay slurs, but really retard means im demeaning mongs? people act like fucking school teachers all over the interent its weird.

If you say that nigga died of aids.



I just went to r/loseit to find examples of the 6 meals a day folks having epiphanies about what it's like to feel hunger or at least not stuffed for 15 mins, and I found a 220 lb 5'2 chick complaining about skinny people problems. I'm done.

She's a legit hoss.

Joeposting rules.


He buys supplements at RITE AID?!?!?!??!


No offense AIDS patients!

Surprised Joe hasn't caught the homo flu yet with all his Big Apple Ranch bug chasing hijinx

Fat sensitive fags

Us or them?



No ones got AIDS. And I don't wanna hear that word again!!

I don't even know what AIDS is. It's not funny. No more posts about AIDS.

He will DMCA this. He did it to two of mine. I’m not fucking with his livelihood I’m literally just poking fun at him and he reported it. Loser.

Some say he's, excuse my French, quite the sadsack.

You might lose your valuable reddit account for 3, maybe even 7 days!!!

"save the horn tooting for when you accomplish something" 😆

Even people on corny subs understand.

that poor horn has been waiting Joes entire life to be played

Oh it gets played, just for no reason whatsoever

What an unsupportive bunch. Did you tell them you are a father of 4 and a veteran?

Ha! I should follow up with that. Tell them I spent all morning posting this to gain confidence and didn't get my daughter to school on time that morning

Demand they verify that mayo and h cubes are diet foods

The day ham cubes and whole fatty mayo stops being funny is obviously the day after I'm dead.

Can someone post that recipe again? I remember he gives the dimensions of the ham squares like its some exact science

Please do tha' bit.

Not a very supportive bunch

It'd be a hilarious bit if Moo Breasts actually did get the AIDS. Then we could visit him in hospice and remark about how the pounds just melted off him like he was on a keto diet involving ham cubes. It'd be so deliciously ironic.

I don't see him giving up child spit in there.

These are probably people who enjoy violent games and movies but can't handle a little polarizing jib. Humorless fucksticks all of them

They're just jealous that you're such a good musician.

Does anyone have the text to copy and paste? I want to try an experiment.

No bacon, egg, cheese on a roll this morning…

Day 1 of an old school no-sugars, no-carbs, only healthy fats diet. 6 small healthy meals/snacks day and a lean and green (6oz meat and salad) at night. Not drinking much alcohol at all, so to quit altogether is no big deal. Back to Sashimi, and NO FOOD AT ALL AFTER 8pm.

I’ve been feeling like ass since putting on 40lbs over the last 2 years…Lower back fucked up, can’t bend straight over to tie my sneakers without breathing hard, feels like I’m laying face first on a basketball if I try to get a tan on my fat ass…

A high weight of 250 today folks. It will only go down from here.

ANYONE CAN DO IT. Takes will power and the desire to feel healthy overriding the desire to eat food that tastes GREAT. I quit smoking and (backmin the day) blow…cold turkey. Just stopped at will.

If you follow this plan and get your body into “fat burning mode” (takes about 2 weeks of hardcore diet adjustment) WITH NO CHEATING…and the weight will fall off of you like a terminal AIDS patient. 😎 👍

(No offense AIDS patients….) 😬

Goal- 210lbs…

PS- I cover my fatness up well. Being 6’ 1” helps big time.

Thanks :)


AIDS is a Hoax . Open your eyes people . I should be getting paid for this , yet , I only do it out of kindness and concern .


One of the most censored documentaries on the internet .

They're bad but posting a thread about a new diet is pretty faggy too brothaman.

linger longer

I been here longer than most of you. Goddamn why am I bragging about that.

I just got the fact he posted what Joe posted on fb. I'm retarded and gay.