My wife and I went to Germany for our honeymoon and were impressed with how German police handled Nazis. Much better than Portland OR vs. the Proud Boys. Also, I defended some Antifa/pedophiles types at a Star Wars toy convention. Anyways, thanks for attending my Ted Talk. Buy my book, child

8  2019-09-26 by PatricksWaterheadBro


This nigga is having a mental breakdown.

Fat faggot. He’s straight up a South Park caricature. Specially the one where the Jews move to San Francisco and every is smelling their own farts.

I smell my farts but just to make sure I'm not getting sick

This fat asshole really thinks of himself as an intellectual, pathetic.

This guy is ruining the progressive movement more than James Earl Ray. I say that as a progressive

Nothing will ever top him bragging that he went to a concentration camp for his honeymoon so he could argue with strangers online.

“Sorry Nikki, we cant go somewhere tropical for our honeymoon, we have to go to a concentration camp so I get attention on the Internet. Now hush, little one”