I hate to say it but all honesty the Patrick posts are getting tired.

85  2019-09-26 by just_a_mean_person

Just kidding let's get his Twitter banned again.


You’re not wrong

We are at our best when when we all work together and protect the women and children of social media.

Women and children are the primary targets of the Cumias.

I miss the pre Patrick days

It killed one of the greatest subs.

People that genuinely miss the old sub are faggots of the highest caliber.

Patrick shit was never funny.


Can I ask why? Not part of O&A, boring or what? Don't yell at me with random capitalized words please. Genuinely

We have commonality of language

See ya Jess

You should have worked in "Riff Raff hair-do"

So many wormisms. All shitty, but several.

Bye tough guy...

[Worm can't think of anything and is shitting himself]

Bye tough guy

I just think there's better targets than some retarded guy. I don't pick on retards in real life.

What about Sam Roberts? You'd give him the soft touch?

But Sam Roberts is actually successful and by all accounts reasonably happy. It makes me sick that some fat fag from Wisconsin with a sad life gets more attention than him.


He's clearly not as retarded. He fair game, although there's certainly better targets.

It was never funny

It was bound to get our sub banned, and it did

It violates Reddit rules

Right but posting the exact same type of rule breaking about the cumia's is fine right?

Anthony Cumia and Joe Cumia are public figures. One of them was on the radio for twenty years and the other one is in a band that's been touring, off and on, for about as long.

Patrick Tomlinson is just some dolt who writes books that nobody buys.

Pat is just as much a "public figure" as Joe is. You're really reaching with that.

I missed the first few weeks of Fat Pat and never got the appeal when I returned. There are thousands of wannabe creatives exactly like him on social media and while he is willing to engage trolls, his responses are never so hateable or entertaining that they deserved our collective attention.

I can see how getting him banned from Twitter at first was fun, but what is anyone gaining by still fucking with him? His public presence is crippled and you can't do anymore significant damage to him, but he can do damage to us by shutting down our meeting places. You guys beat him to a pulp and rather than declaring victory, you kept standing on his head long enough for him to fuck us.

I missed the first few weeks of Fat Pat and never got the appeal when I returned. There are thousands of wannabe creatives exactly like him on social media and while he is willing to engage trolls, his responses are never so hateable or entertaining that they deserved our collective attention.

I can see how getting him banned from Twitter at first was fun, but what is anyone gaining by still fucking with him? His public presence is crippled and you can't do anymore significant damage to him, but he can do damage to us by shutting down our meeting places.

You guys beat him to a pulp and rather than declaring victory, you kept standing on his head long enough for him to fuck us. And fuck us he did. As fun as the SpaceEdge saga was, no sub that rose up to fill the original's place has brought the same joy and laughter we were used to on a daily basis.

It's cause he's just some guy and the over reaction to him makes everyone here seem obsesses and vengeful for no reason. Ant is hypocritical and OnA was a funny show. Are people really finding these Patrick is fat posts funny?

I can go both ways. Sometimes when I see every post end in ", child" I sort of just go to a different sub but at the same time there isn't that much content these days with OnA. So whatever, fuck it.

You can definitely go both ways.

i sincerely despise him

Remember when the sub first split and everyone that pointed out why it was a horrible idea was called a "trucker" and told to "go make Beefer posts" because all the heroes that needlessly obsessed over a random self-published author in the middle of the country were the "real sub"? How did that turn out, retards?

I remember laughter. I miss having fun. You obsessive twats ruined the greatest, funniest free-for-all on the internet today to bully some fat kid that most of us never cared about, even after we heard about him.

The high-pitched, faggoty call that DeafMutePenguin made to Fat Pat's bar should have opened your eyes to what a sad, pathetic endeavor you'd all committed yourselves to was, but you persisted nonetheless.

Thanks for throwing away over half a decade of gold for a boring nobody, dummies.

How is making fun of patso throwing it away? You are retarded. Blaming everyone else for what spaceedge did.

I don't give a fuck anymore about Ant or Jim... they are deep into obscurity. Pat and James however deliver. This brotherman likes the direction of this sub. Johnnycakes and his underlings robbed us of a common roof but that mistake has been erased.

Is that why we can now discuss Pat again on the main sub? I was wondering what had finally made people give up on that rule.

yes. they were censoring the hell out of any mention. not only stupid in hindsight.

not only stupid in hindsight.

Well put. I hope they won't ever again find support for their selfish bullshit.

If you don't want to still fuck with Ant and Jim, then you can get the fuck out, sir.

i don't fuck with people. i comment on their OWN fuckups, like all of this sub.

We have no affect on their lives, by their own admission. Remember?

I don't know why people post about Patrick. Are people that invested on him? Who cares. He's just some guy. It is also what ruined and destroyed the o.g sub. But if it's what the people want have at it.

He’s a douch just like Hefner tho

If twitter had any sense they'd ban him and keep collecting that $5000 from Nikki's bank account

There's been an ebb and flow to the humor of Patrick posts. We're at an all-time high at the moment.