Completely sane Patso declares the President of the United States a meth head just because Hitler was one. And yes, Virginia, Trump really is Hitler.

15  2019-09-26 by PringlesCanJonathan


Maybe the 70 year old guy with one of the most if not the most important position on earth is a little drowsy.

Drowsy if we're lucky.

Yes, the capitalist billionaire with Jewish grandkids who strongly supports Israel is just like Hitler.

Are you implying that leftists like Fatrick have no idea what they’re talking about? Are you dare saying this political firebrand and actual tough guy is completely ignorant of history?

He is a conservative, fetus.

If some drunk mechanic who just got divorced stuck a screwdriver into his ribs And he had to spend his last minutes breathing out of quickly deflating lungs.

I might smile without the aid of narcotics.

Death threats! Next you're gonna swat him!

That silly faggot is going to kill himself with sausage beer and a morning jog

We're here and we're queer, children

So then he should have been all sped up since the speech was in the morning.

Nice negating your own premise, stupid

Interestingly enough, that was also JFK's regimen. I guess he was also Hitler.