"YAY ME!" proclaims portly political firebrand after 8 hours of incessant tweeting. Oh and he is most certainly quite sexually active with his wife!

10  2019-09-24 by PatricksWaterheadBro


Trump won't be impeached, child.

It was a very good post Artie

Second wife*

His tweet went "viral" in that someone bigger than he is got in a fight with him. But if course he knows that, it's why he picks fights with blue checkmarks in the first place.

He's just exhausting.

Imagine you are a poor young woman just trying to work your shift at Hooligans so you can put food on the table and this insufferable blowhard comes in EVERY.SINGLE.DAY ranting and raving about this shit and you have to listen. You can't escape. You have hours left on your shift. You are his captive audience. You are his prisoner, child.

Isn't this the 100th impeachment attempt?

Imagine being so delusional that you think either of those things are real.

I think you mean Impeachment Inquirey, fatass.

As in the exact same shit they've been doing for months anyway. The only difference is that old walking corpse of a hagraven Pelosi stood in front of a podium and pretended like it was something.

And you and your "viral tweet" can't lick my taint.

The Fairytale Firebrand doesn't realize that impeachment is purely an election year fundraising maneuver

He cares more about a tweet going viral than his own daughter. He's repugnant.

A viral tweet. No new followers.

What’s that fag on about ?

Uhh how did he get his account back?

He did absolutely nothing productive today. If you scroll through his twitter he was on there all day. He spent 8+ hours on Twitter. More than an average workday. He accomplished nothing. A "Viral Tweet" that made him no money, sold no books, and made no money. All he did was argue online with a bunch of other idiots.

I'm sure Niki is going to come home from a hard day of actual work and see Pat beaming away, all proud of himself. She'll ask him if he had a good day and he'll launch into his epic of how he bested a blue checked Nazi and got a viral tweet. He'll rant about all the incels he argued with, won (in his mind), and then blocked. Then he'll finish up by yelling at her about how Drumpf is fucked now. Then he'll excuse himself to go to Hooligans and celebrate this historic day. He'll give her a peck on the forehead, tell her he loves her but not to wait up because the Brewers are playing and he's got bar dice to throw. He won't ask her how her day was. He won't notice that she's holding back tears while she's smiling and watching him leave. She'll sit there alone, eating a Digiorno pizza or something else she made for herself in the oven while she polishes off a bottle of wine to help her forget. She'll take a bath and use of her vibrators (that Pat doesn't know she has) to get herself a little bit of pleasure, and then she'll drunkenly cry herself to sleep.

Well said, little one