The color of today is white. Today's number is 1488.

1  2019-05-25 by Single_Action_Army

Totally nude!


Message received 👌

Nice sleuthing, Giovan Battista Bellaso.

6 million is a fucking lie, it was a de-lousing agent.

The real number is closer to about 30

Did you know the letter "a" doesn't appear in the word form of any number until "one hundred AND one?"

So if anyone ever puts a gun to your head and says you're dead unless you can speak for one minute in English without pausing and without using the letter "a," just start counting up from 1! Hopefully you won't be able to get past 100 in 60 seconds!

Just don't say and. Say "one hundred one" or "one O one"

We're talking about the King's English here, Guac Bowl Cuck.

Hitler thought Americans were a superior race so a toast to my favorite german