I was bored.

1  2019-05-25 by aRTie02150


Inspired by u/opestersmammarydrip


The Lange North Face route.

Broad Beak

How the fuck does he sneeze now?

All over himself

His mucus constantly secretes, like a slug

Brokenose Mountain


Bleep-bloop, I'm a bot. This portmanteau was created from the phrase 'Brokenose Mountain' | FAQs | Feedback | Opt-out

Delete yourself tard bot, that doesn't even make sense

Some people see the mountain as impassable, some as an opportunity. Regardless of creed or identity nature doesn't discriminate when the call to adventure beckons. But when it comes to the haggard face of a shock jock junkie? Well thats one concave precipice I'm not entitled to free solo.

Alex Honnold climbing Artie’s face, thank you for making my day.