So, so, so, so, language makes you a white supremacist? I don't think so, pal. That's a cup of Starbucks that I am not prepared to buy.

1  2019-05-25 by 1073WAAF


That's a mother I'm not going to visit.

That's some child spit I just can't swallow.

Thats some child spit i will not lick the sidewalk for.

That's a potato I'm not equipped to peel.

That is a girlfriend's daughter I will not pimp out to my pederast brother

Putting Joe on that body is actually a compliment. He'd be lucky to be half the shape Rollins is in.

That's one lane I wouldn't call Joseph.

That's a reddit I didn't wanna bring up.

That's a song I haven't rehearsed enough to cover.

God bless Bro Joe. His stupidity is incredibly impressive

Sorry pal, that's a sister's titty I'm not perverted enough to grope....


Well alright, don't quote me on that.

I think not libtards!

Pwnage owned hashtag lol!!

Ya ball-busting savy the brother of a former shock jock should be, he really doesn't handle the trolls well

That's one seasoned rotisserie chicken... I wont shove up my ass.

That’s a Flender Stratomaster I will not strum.