Coworker gave himself a nickname and is trying to get everyone to call him by it.

4  2019-05-24 by aRTie02150

Why do people do this kind of stuff?


Grown ass niggas still want to think they're still a kid hanging out with their little friends at the ice cream shop. Just fucking work and shut the fuck up.

I hope a fucking truck crashes through my job and wipes everyone out.


not the crying guy?

Of course. I really have never hated a person more in my life. Id rather hang out with Michael Rapaport all day, and I fucking HATE that guy more than anything.

It's getting to the point where one could assume youre just making up shit for a bit

But when i first started working my one job there was a guy that was so socially retarded that one day i decided to compile a list of everything autistic about him and everything he's done. I stopped after getting more than 50.

Lil taste, there's a big section in the building for simulators of the s/w we develop, one day he's talking to another autist chum and someone else, complaining about how bad the dirt parking lot is since it just rained, then stomped both his boots leaving a huge pile of dirt in what should be a clean environment. The non autist had the look of sudden realization that he's looking at an idiot and told him he should probably clean that up.

I wish I was clever enough to make shit up like this.

I just want it to stop. I just want workers who are regular antisocial men. I don't think that's too much to ask for.

It's funny, because I had my list for a while. But when the list got full I turned to the sub.

Well what is it, dude? Don’t keep us in suspense.


Yes. Snake. Like Solid Snake from Metal Gear Solid.

That’s really terrible. I knew a Snake but he was a Mexican biker who went to the bar I used to frequent. He would get progressively drunker and then inevitably start doing lines of coke off the jukebox and eventually start find someone he was convinced was gay and start a fight with them. You could expedite the whole process by just pointing someone out and telling him you knew that person was gay.

My point being, if you wanna be called Snake, you better be Snake.

We're always looking for that new thing, that new drug, that new get-off, that new high. And I know it sounds corny, dude, but it really is all about what choices you make. These beer companies are such fucking jizzbags.

I hope I was helpful. One day at a time is all you can do.

I like this bot but jesus christ it responds to everything.

Aww, baby boy!

It's a tough one, man. On the one hand, you're trying to help people fight the worst disease in the world. On the other hand, you're annoying the piss out of everyone because you won't shut the fuck up about an addiction you never had.

I didn't expect so many comments containing the words "alcoholic" and "drunk", but addiction is a motherfucker. I'll make some changes as soon as I get a chance.

It's a good bit you just underestimated the degeneracy of this sub. Maybe instead do like "AA" and "12 step," "recovery." Shit that's more specific to the context you're looking for. I know, nice suggestions, stupid.

Sounds like a good bet he was gay

Oh yeah, we’ve always assumed so. But at least he’s handling it like a man. Or was, it’s been a couple of years since he’s been seen.

Aww, I want some jukebox coke now.

What ethnicity are we talking here

He's black. I'm certain he's mulatto but he denies it, but I know my black folks and can assure you he's mixed.

He's just looking for an identity pal no need to hurt his feelings

This tone is all wrong. Take it easy buster.

You should probably follow him to his car and beat the fuck out of him one of these days.

Do you work at Ted’s Retard Emporium?

Dude I'm gonna need you to fuckin' keep me updated on your coworker forever. I fucking HATE that cunt.

What's the forced nickname he's trotting around?

He gave himself the name Snake.

It's embarrassing and I can't show my disapproval enough and he just doesn't pick up on it. He's gotta be autistic.

You might try to explain (as dispassionately as possible) that nicknames are rarely, if ever, self-appointed. That giving yourself a nickname kind of goes against the whole point of them; that they're monikers of endearment or light-hearted teasing or, conversely, insults issued behind the person's back. You might go on to inform him that (if one were to create a nickname for oneself) coming up with a "dark" or "dangerous" effort like Snake serves only to make one sound like an utter twat.

Or you could just follow him home one night and assault him outside his front door. Make sure you wear gloves and some kind of mask though.

The assault is a better idea. I'll also make sure to leave my cell phone at home to cover my ass and say I wasn't even near the scene of the crime.

Was the nickname "toast" or "shades"?

What kind of nickname is it?

E nuff about snakes

Snake is the best nickname, people who give themselves nicknames are awesome as. My ex brother in law called himself slash.

Well I guess we’re just gonna have to call him T-Bone.

Lil Kev?