Brother Joe and Patrick may have won this battle...

20  2019-05-24 by PsychopathyRed

...but they have collectively lost about 117 battles, not including 2 wars. And they're gay.


If you google "Joe Cumia" the Beige doc is near the top of the front page. Any victory Joe has is a Pyrrhic victory

Same with searching "Patrick Tomlinson" and then you get Porsalin's doc. Hilarious.

I never lost a paying gig. Joevine can't say the same.

And the treasure trove his poor daughter will discover when she's a bit older will confirm her suspicions that her father is a cretin and a failure.

She us the real loser in all this. It can't be an easy life having that as a father. I wish her well

This was our Pearl Harbor. They’ve only awakened the sleeping giant

literally, I'm pushing 300 and just woke up from a nap.