Bovine Joe taking credit for the sub getting shutdown... again.

58  2019-05-24 by Broozie123


He is celebrating that a sub reddit has been shut down. A 65 year old man.

His greatest accomplishment which wasn't even accomplished

I always knew Joe was incredibly stupid but these past couple of months have confirmed him to be sad beyond belief. He's been stalking every sub, posting multiple times a day across about 5 different alts. He also had a total meltdown when one of the mods on the old sub stopped him posting.

What a fucking loser he is.

My favorite part is that it took him like 6 hours after someone told him to realize what was going on

The dumb cow probably thought the whole of Reddit had been shut down.

They made it too expensive for anyone to subscribe to it anymore.

He's also celebrating the death of an obese twenty something who probably suffered from severe depression. All because he liked to goof on stuff on the internet. At the same age, Joe was dealing coke and smoking crack with his mom.

He also danced on the grave of a toddler.

A severely obese guy who Joe went to "hat in hand" to waive his white flag since Joe viewed him as our leader. Joe begged and that fat fuck even requested that we leave Joe alone like it was some peace accord. God did not look favorably upon their little deal.

The cums are a weak and prissy family who act tough at home with doors locked guns and swords right next to them 911 on speed dial. Any real confrontation they squirm like roaches when the light comes on.
"gimmmie fidddy cents"
"a police report has been filed thank you"

Not enough words can discribe how pathetic the cumiyahs are esp joeH the faggot. You just know when they were growing up people would ask where the cumiya brothers at? "they over in the tree fort sucking eachother off again" The one good thing and only good thing that comes from these two nancys is they are both 2 faggots with no testosterone. joey little sack can only make girls for brazzers, and trantH likes to fuck 9year old girls and hairless teenage boys. The cumia last name ends in about 8years tops. Thank the almighty Mel up top.

Silence! We are in mourning

Let's not forget that this is the guy who reads every insult we've thrown at him for what, 3 weeks? A whole month? He thinks that he's hiding his self-loathing tendencies but it's clear as day that he's an attention whore who would rather accept negative attention than no attention.

war hero joe wins again!

You're a stupid faggot, faggot.

Please be nice to ichise

Why? He's a one note bit.


He's literally lying to only his friends ans family for his own vanity.

Yet another reason that he's a godforsaken pile of dogshit


shit i never knew Josh Fonner was dead

Like 3ish years ago.

He dropped dead in the middle of a marathon a few years back.

That marathon where they played every Simpson's episode

"5 years"

"timely demise"

No effect on their lives

The word for "cow eyed" in Greek is boopis. Boopis Joe. It works even more so because people boo him off stage and he can't stop bragging about his wife's piss.

He thinks it's going to stop because a subreddit got shut down? I don't think Joe Cumia is very smart.

" it's "

But we’re back and better than ever.

Third times a charm!

And he only had to embarrass himself on national tv the once

The sub moved and nobody noticed or cared

someone invite him here pls.

He locked his thread so he wont get his feeling hurt by mean comments.

“And there’s where you’re wrong fatso”

i really don't get this bovine brained idiot, if that was anyone else posting i'd think "decent bait" but knowing how retarded this prick is (editing one of vids just now, he's a complete mongo), i'm assuming he does think he did something

Nice celebrating it is timely demise....

He said he reported 100's of posts to the admins. Anything that mentioned pedophilia. That was his big plan along. But the sub got shutdown because of copyright shit. Not because of his reporting posts that 'sexualized minors'. So he really wasted all that time he spent reading and reporting those posts. HAHA HOLY SHIT Joe Cumia is a fucking idiot.

But it was a community of 7 years. Nothing worked there.

Joe is a delusional moron. It's almost like he takes credit for things he doesn't deserve. He'll probably want some kind of reddit allowance

He has to take credit for things he didn't do to avoid the certainty that he is nothing. He took credit for Nana's career, and now he is taking credit for our self immolation. In conclusion, Joe Cumia is a stupid faggot and a confessed pedophile.

Sure takes a lot of effort to search "Opie Anthony" in the Reddit search every couple months. Don't know about you guys but I'm weeping over here

He pretended the woman who gave him life was dead because it hurt his feelings that she was sick. Never visited her because it upset him. He is a worthless cunt.

1000 subscribers in less than 24 hours. Joe plays to 20 indifferent seniors in a parking lot. Patrick is fat and his ex-wife is having her fourth orgasm of the day grinding on Jonathan's fat cock. Swings and roundabouts.

It's just as bad as when he thought blocking someone meant they couldn't post on the internet anymore.

Wow he really believed that? That is not shocking at all joeH you really are a worthless brain dead faggot. In all joeys pics from his last selfie to his baby picture to the one that he has a cut off belly shirt with his boyfriend you can see his retarded saggy mouth and jawline top it off with thoes fucking bovine cow eyes. joey boy you are a pathetic loser that has never and will never amount to nothing. You think your facebook friends even know what reddit is? You spade look at the things you are proud of and you did nothing to contribute to it. I really hope you take a selfie with the crypt keeper in the homo joeh lane hit a pole and die faggot.

Can you guys get him to tweet “starve nana” to the president again? For old times’ sake?

More time for Brother Joe's extracurricular: finally getting around to installing that Compound Media West glory hole so he can work from home.

This sub already has more subscribers than compound media.

Joe's glee is truly sickening.

Joe... You really are a fucking dunce

Not that he had anything to even do with it, but he can shut down all the subreddits he wants. It'll never change the fact that he abandoned his own dying mother because her debilitating illness was too inconvenient for him and his baby brother. She really needed him that day.


At the very least, a "So long and thanks for all the crack!" would've been the right thing to do, but what do you expect really. This is just what Cumias do.