In real life

1  2019-05-23 by timallenonacid

I’m a bad boy. Raised by the streets. I’m up to a four pack of Miller Lite per day. I smoke tobacco pipes and even engage in saying curse words. I strut around prideful with a nonchalant attitude and even smooch girls I have no intent of marrying.

I’m absolutely joking. Could you imagine being such sinful riff raff ? Ha ha. Our Lord would NOT be impressed. Praise Him.


The Good Lord abides good yuma

Even just joshing around makes baby Jesus cry. Beware the devil's lure in all forms of comedy, brother.

Cobes I knew that was you! Btw, absolutely loved your "Santa" cover of Smooth! Keep it real you sexy, Goth bad boy you!



Choose the right, brothaman! Choose the fawkin right.