I really enjoyed that All in The Family / The Jeffersons live that just aired

1  2019-05-23 by MrFeedYoNana

But ABC were big pussies. They censored all the instances of "nigger" but allowed "honky." How barbaric.


Way to push the theme of racial realism. I didn’t think the show itself was too bad. Marla Gibbs saved it.

I involuntarily clapped like a big standalone fruit

What a bunch of niggers.

I just made sure to shout it loud enough that my neighbors could all hear

I've always said you were a good egg but this confirms it

I enjoyed it, but the live audience really fucking killed it. Every time someone entered we got the stereotypical, long winded applause and hollering. Also, very early into the show we got the “ohhhhhh” when Archie said “colored” or “heeb.” 7/10, far better than anything else on ABC

The crowd really died in the second half but overall, if both we reboots on the air weekly, I would watch

I wanna make love to Ellie Kemper.