Do you?

1  2019-05-23 by marioncruise


Fill your lungs with Elmer's glue you stupit bitch

Women are hilaaaaaarious

Isn't it adorable how they think they're people?

Women truly are the givers of life

I bet she's being applauded by all the white knights.

"OMG that is so funny XD"

I know it goes without saying but I genuinely hate white knights. Most disingenuous and wormy as cocksuckers come and they ruin women (more than they ruin themselves) for the rest of us.

Disgusting bitch.

You know it's a great joke because I had to read it three times to parse it out.

The jogging trail part was a pretty unnecessary detail

That's such a novel and unusual idea. It's funny, you know. It's funny because it isn't usual.

*do ya?