Hey guys, everyone click this link, joecumia.com is already pretty SEO optimized and I keyword stuffed the shit out of this post. Hopefully it can rank #1 on Google for Starship repo very soon.

1  2019-05-22 by marioncruise


Will it help if I click it like 10 times or is it IP based or what?

It will help once you find it and click it on Google. Until then, it needs to be discovered/indexed by them, this outbound link will help some.

If you do a google search for:

Patrick Tomlinson Joe Cumia Starship Repo

...that would help. I'm not making that an outbound link because I think searches are better for SEO ranking.

Subpoena for sure

Hoping for a cease & desist at least.

_ This is the first book I have read in decades and I could barely get through it._


Worth the read.


Doing the lords work. Exposing this pedophile is good for everyone.

Won't someone please think of the children, child.

Patrick will....constantly

You should just implement a forum there and we can all migrate there and off this gay site

Our Dev team is on it

Please display comments on the post page.

Ike L. June-Higgers has some things to say.

Keith the cop quality?

You can visit here too.

Good call. I may even chip in a few bucks for costs

Whatever happened to that 8chan board?

I posted on it once. There was one other post.

It's going to be pure autism on there . I've never been more excited

The modern version of Flowers for Algernon


That awful beanie and sunglasses photo is Joe's version of "Tough guy Jim Norton"

You should hire Niki to do your SEO

That could get the ball rolling.


If you're going for SEO, don't repeat sentences like that. That's the kind of thing that spam detection looks for.

I heard that before Patrick S Tomlinson writes he likes to rub an African American boy's shit under his nose to remind him of the sex they just had. Isn't that disturbing? They should put guys like this on an island and blow it up.

That's definitely the most vile rumor yet

Pretty good insight Joe, I appreciated your quality review.

This is a great idea, but you should expand on this page as a depository of all of Pat’s insane narcissism and terrible writing. If this is going to end up as his most visible presence on the net, you should consider dropping or reducing the Joe bit for this page and just letting it stand as a museum of his many failures.

As it stands right now this page would be too easy for a rando to dismiss as a meaningless troll page. Let’s turn this into something that will actually damage him.

>Patrick is also not a good father.


Just right in the middle of the review lol.

That's one author who shouldn't have rebuffed Brother Joe. Now he'll feel the wrath of LOTS OF CAPITALS AND EXCLAMATIONS!!!!!!

If he really dies on the last page then this is hilarious

He looks like a squashed Morrissey