"I'm not shaking your hand, you fucking piece of shit"

1  2019-05-22 by YangtzeRiverChina


Of all the people to get alpha'd by, Anthony gets alpha'd by a girl in a dress with high heels, and Jon Stewart. Complete fucking loser

You forgot the black hooker in Times Square.

And Opie turning down his offer to join CM.

He's the poster child for beta cucks overcompensating by going as far right as they can.

Girl in high heels refers to black hooker


The J name is implied

Don't forget the manbody prostitute he pays to live with him once burglarized his house and trashed it, then he had her arrested. Then he took her back anyway. He's a pussy.

And had the nerve to call Stewart’s friends beta males. No, you put your hand out, faggot.

on the bright side, Jon knew who he was.

It's so funny to think that Anthony used to be in the public eye, I'm only 28 so I didn't really live this.

The fucking President knew who he was


What’s this now?


Anthony’s a fuckin rat

I called him a ?@$!# cause that’s what he was!

easy with the cussing, tough guy. This isn't boot camp


Well at least don't shake Azis's hand cause he shits in one of them