Patrick is threatening to throw milkshakes at politicians. Please let Facebook know

1  2019-05-22 by mrwhite9292



Against fascism, wants to control what is said and forcibly surpress the opposion. Somebody was as poor at Civics as he was English Lit.

The funniest thing is that the Britfag members of this sub are probably the only people who know him over here.

my milkshake drive all the fash from the yard toddlers make my space weiner hard

Bad (or sick) guy.

How is Nigel Farage a fascist? What the fuck is wrong with these dopey liberal faggots?

I believe he called them dual purpose milkshakes - lure kids into his van with them and throw them at politicians who try to criminalize his predatory behavior.

I don't think Facebook would appreciate someone like him on their platform


This is quite alarming, especially when considering how hard it is for Patrick to part with a milkshake.

I drink your milkshake, child

I've abandoned my child, child!

I am the third revelation, little one!

I just can't believe this guy! Really giving it to the establishment!