Can we have Sue in the background instead of Jay's creepy fucking face?

1  2019-05-22 by HomeRunCumia_Deux


I'd let him blow me.

anyone who says they wouldn't is a liar.

no talking, though

or stubble

Passable here.

Whoopi Goldberg with filters and the perfect photography angle is passable. Sue probably looks like a goblin irl

And Whoopi has an actual vagina (probably).

I love sue.

She's a pretty cool person really!

She's a good dude.

Every time i see those cans i think of anthony paying for them

Best $400 he ever spent.

anthony paying for them

"How much did they cost, those fakers??"

he got a deal on 'em...both lefties

God damn. All Anthony had to do was own it and very few people would’ve actually given him shit for it.

better than jim's actual straight up men in wigs

The best part is that AntH fucked Sue when she looked like a boy. Now that she’s passable and pretty he has no interest.

Sue fucked AntH*

She fed Nana.

I don't care what's between the legs that face and those tits are 100 percent female.

I don't care what's between the legs

-Jim Norton

Anthony's tits are looking good on her.

I would have a go on him/she/it/them/those/mentally ill boy. Not sure what sue’s pronoun is


What a scrumptious lil treat

It's not creepy. It makes me feel good about myself.