Has Anthony given us any updates about taking his hugely successful book tour on the road?

16  2019-05-21 by SuperTubsPeterson

I was hoping he'd stop by my neck of the woods. I was even planning to camp outside the Borders Books and Music store the night before.


You know, to beat the crowd.


I thought he died.

Let me check his Twitter and get back to you.

Don't bring a sharpie. He's got plenty

You don't know where those sharpies have been though.

They are one of the most popular items that are pulled out of asses by proctologists

It's the perfect shape

How would he publicize such a book tour?

You don’t check the ANNOUNCEMENTS tab on Stormfront every morning?

During his wildly successful podcast show. He's radio's MOST notorious shock jock, after all.

With an audience of over 100,000, apparently.

I've been waiting for him to come to my local FYE. We haven't had a big NY celebrity in a while.

Won't be half as good as Scotch's cross country tour.

Where is Scotch?