All we're doing is providing Fatrick an excuse for his dreadful book sales. He will only ever sell copies out of pity to friends and family. Now he can say alt right trolls tanked his sales.

5  2019-05-21 by MarbleSpaceCat

It's still funny, though.


Who you calling alt right?

That's what he will say, not me. You fucking retard.

You said "we're" providing an excuse, so he can say alt right trolls. You're a fucking moron.

Yes, we're providing his bullshit excuse. Are you an actual retard? God be with you no bs.

Now kiss

You. You're fucking alt-right. I've been following you for weeks and it's obvious you're one of them. I've reported you like 6 times to reddit. You're disgusting. Have fun with your account while it lasts because you're going down.

I blame Sam Roberts from SiriusXM. He is the ringleader of this sub, and our orders come directly from him.

All hail, Sam Roberts!

I was cracking up during today’s show with the “AND NOW ANOTHER HONEST, TOTALLY REAL REVIEW” sounder. Teff has come along way in production.

Only people who would believe the 'alt-right' part are menopausal biddies who don't even read sci-fi anyway. It's all gravy.

It’s the fault of a googly-eyed shoplifter.

He and Shumer can finally suicide pact together

He already said that we're helping his sales by doing this, so it'll be pretty hard to then blame us for poor sales.

4th (?) book in a series that was topping out around 250 sales on the last release. Any author with a brain knows that's a terrible idea. This will do awful and it's his own fault.

But he can't surrender his retarded baby, child.

Not a second time

That excuse didn't work for the leather special, it won't work for some amateur author with 90 subs on youtube.

Dont care. As long as he doesnt make money.