Hey Patrick

28  2019-05-21 by Thomas_Dairy

You’re a despicable fatbody who argues like a woman. Everything you do stinks of mediocrity. Everyone you interact with can immediately see you for what you are: a self-absorbed, condescending douche who can barely conceal his anger at the world for failing to recognize his genius. If you weren’t so up your own ass all the time, maybe you wouldn’t have failed at your duties as a father. Maybe she’d even let you around the kids once in a while when her and the hubby need some alone time. But oh no - life is much more fulfilling when you spend it posting embarrassing, melodramatic speeches about millennials being “Katniss” ready to fight the system. What kind of adult man talks like that anyway? Do yourself a favor and stop assuming you’re important. Nobody cares what some rosy-cheeked effeminate dork has to say about the state of our country. I hate you, u/patrickstomlinson.


Yeah! What he said!

u/patrickstomlinson , comment?