Does anyone have that video of Patrick Tomlinson mocking that gay kid in the wheelchair?

37  2019-05-21 by GanzoDriver


He didn't just mock that kid, dude. I'm pretty sure the video's on Bestgore but I don't remember its title.

I don't remember its title.

Think it was "It's All DownHill From Here," Fat pat posted it himself, even edited in a mocking, insensitive lead-in.

The one where he keeps making "Rolaids" jokes or whatever? I've never seen it, but it sounds horrible if true.

If only he could come up with witty banter like that in his novels.

The one with him trading the wheelchair lady with a 20 note?

No. That's a separate video. He made the wheelchair lady cry. Remember?

Mocking or raping? I wouldn't put either one past him to be honest with ya.


Jesus Christ...Fatrick finally crossed the line and went after Braunheiser, then sexually assaulted the poor kid when he wouldn't reciprocate his advances? What a sick world in which we live.

When did he go after Braun?

Perhaps you have a bigger circle of homosexual disabled friends, but Brauns the only gay kid in a wheelchair I know.