Does anyone know if Opie re-signed with Westwood One?

4  2019-05-21 by JansHammer


opie fucking sucks, enough already. unlistenable.

Fuck off, Joe.

More like Breastwood One

Opie stinks and nobody actually listens or knows anything about what's going on.

LOL, you think Opie is getting paid by Westwood One.

LOL, you read good

Wait a sec, are we supposed to hate the Opester again?

Always have, always will.

Absolutely not


They don't deserve him

No one would know, because no one but an utter faggot could possibly care. Fuck Opie.

I’m so glad we’re over the fake Opie support.

I get it was supposed to be ironic to annoy Anth but I mean enough is enough. Fuck that thin skin large breasted moron.

He's got more self respect than those other two clowns so I'm going to support the destroyer