Hack comic that made his career off of "owning" hecklers gets offended when audience participant makes factual statement

21  2019-05-21 by WineDineShootMyNine

Here's the link since Reddit will only allow me to submit text posts for some reason:


Funny how he gets all upset when the guy says jews run TV, then threatens to have the guy friend from his job in TV. Really odd.


That’s so interesting we both made threads calling out Jews a minute apart

Just a coincidence.


This ambitious Jewy CK is a slightly more diligent and successful hack than PST.

Jesus Christ what a loser.

The Jew is immunized against all dangers: One may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs of him like water off a raincoat. But tell him Jews run TV and do a good job of it and watch how he recoils.

It's obviously been said before but fuck the climate has shifted in such a short time. Remember that great line Artie -- best TV character ever -- tells Hank in Larry Sanders? Something like 'Hank, you know who runs Hollywood? The Jews. The gay Jews; and they do a damn good job'.

I have a feeling this is fake

Doubt it, this guy is an egomaniac and wouldn't have released something that made him look so bad unless he thought he was in the right.

His joke before being aghast about Jews running TV was, "we Jews are too good for your shitty retail jobs, goyim." Filthy animal.

Look at how he recoils.