" 'Don’t feed the trolls' people who have never been in the spotlight say, not realizing that trolls turn to stone in the presence of sunlight." -Patty McFatty

14  2019-05-21 by SHITLORD_CUNTDICK

Which is why this sub continues on and on even though you keep shining a light on it. I've never seen someone totally misunderstand the internet like this. Anthony and BroJoe come really close, but they're in their late 60s and have an excuse. A wise man once said "leave it alone". He did and went from completely hated and harassed to pseudo-liked and ignored. Pat just keeps smashing a beehive with a stick and wondering why bees keep coming out.


He's a big fat tit that never runs dry

That doesn't even make sense and I'm going to pedantically explain just how much is wrong with it.

1) Patrick is not famous and has never been in any spotlight.

2)Feeding trolls is unrelated to the amount of light they receive.

3) A spotlight is a man made electrical device; it doesn't provide sunlight.

4) Trolls are not affected by sunlight. They're affected by fire.

5) Sunlight doesn't turn trolls to stone. That's Gorgons, like Medusa, or basilisks, and only when they look you in the eyes.