Reminder that James Larva Norton, Ozzy and KISS super fan, said that Frank Sinatra was overrated and his lyrics were awful.

53  2019-05-20 by BoatHack2

Whatever the antonym of "taste" is, he has it.


I get a kick out of you, my way, nice and easy, New York, strangers in the night... Sinatra wasn’t a song writer, he was a singer, what do you mean his lyrics?

Regardless , the lyrical content in those classics mentioned shit on KISS .

To paraphrase Pat Cooper, he doesn’t know how to deal with talent or class.

You are not taking into account his profound ignorance.

I feel second hand embarrassment for every kiss fan. How did they not get laughed at and ridiculed every time they stepped on stage in cat makeup? Fucking faggots. And their music sucked too.

That's all awful, but I still think the worst part is that the only current non-jobber members are suit-wearing kikes who only do KISS to stuff their pockets even more and sell as much stupid shit as possible.

How can you be a fan of a group that only sees you as a paycheck, let alone a superfan shill like Jimmy?

A good Goy is our Jim .

Jim Norton is not a man known for taste or intelligence.

Sinatra is KISS levels of cringe, if not worse. He fucking sucked dick.

Nothing is more embarassing than being a grown man that likes kiss. Jimmy's routine has always been filled with tales from his embarassing life, and yet his kiss fixation is still the most pathetic thing about him.

I found the faggot

He also refused to realize the genius of Brian Wilson and claimed they were “just a surf band” that didn’t write their own songs.

Holy fuck. Can’t find the link to the story, but John Lennon couldn’t sleep at night because he didn’t think he could keep up with Brian Wilson.

And because Yoko was being a yellow cunt

I'm pretty sure McCartney and Wilson have both said that competition made each band far far better.

My post was just pointing out that The Beach Boys are among the greats of that era and pretty high all time. Aside from being falsely rebellious, Jim’s taste is so fucking locked into what he liked as a ten year old.

I was agreeing with you. He's a dipshit who doesn't know anything and is willingly ignorant of it. He runs from anyone giving context to how stupid he is. Recall Colin trying to talk to him about The Who and Jim turning into a fucking baby.

Yeah, we agree. I’m down to dock whenever you’re free.

Your foreskin or mine? :o)

I don’t listen to Frank Sinatra because he isn’t our Lord.

Rank Sin at Ra - The high ranking sinners of the sun god Ra . It's all a ruse , isn't it ?

Frank never wrote a song or played an instrument. He was just a singer.

Just Jim exposing how dumb/uneducated/unworldly he is again.

But he's not wrong, brothaman.